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Elements of Audit Report: Audit Opinion (c. Emphasis of Matter) (Part viii)

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The “Emphasis of Matter” paragraph in an audit report serves as a mechanism to draw the reader’s attention to specific matters within the financial statements that are deemed important by the auditor. This paragraph plays a crucial role in enhancing transparency and aiding stakeholders in understanding key aspects of the financial information. In this comprehensive article, we will explore the importance of the “Emphasis of Matter” paragraph, delve into different types of emphasis, and provide illustrative examples.

Understanding the “Emphasis of Matter” Paragraph

The “Emphasis of Matter” paragraph is included in an audit report when the auditor believes that certain matters require special attention. These matters are not qualified as misstatements or uncertainties but are significant enough to warrant additional clarification for the users of financial statements. The objective is to ensure that stakeholders are aware of particular aspects that may impact their understanding of the financial health and performance of the audited entity.

The utilization of EOM paragraphs finds its foundation in the International Standard on Auditing (ISA) 706, titled “Emphasis of Matter Paragraphs and Other Matter Paragraphs in the Independent Auditor’s Report.” This standard serves as the compass guiding auditors on when and how to incorporate EOM paragraphs into their reports.

Types of Emphasis of Matter

a) Related to Going Concern: Example: “We draw attention to Note X in the financial statements, which indicates that the entity incurred significant losses during the year and experienced a net capital deficiency. These conditions raise substantial doubt about the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern.

When there are concerns about the entity’s ability to continue operating as a going concern, the auditor may emphasize this matter to alert users to potential risks.

b) Material Uncertainty: Example: “We draw attention to the disclosure in Note Y, which describes a material uncertainty related to the outcome of ongoing litigation. The resolution of this matter may have a significant impact on the financial statements.”

In situations where there is uncertainty regarding a material aspect, such as legal proceedings or contingent liabilities, the auditor may highlight this matter for the users’ consideration.

c) Consistency in Application of Accounting Policies:Example: “We draw attention to the change in accounting policy disclosed in Note Z, as it represents a departure from the entity’s previous accounting practices. The impact of this change is explained in the note.”

When there is a change in accounting policies that does not qualify as a correction of a misstatement, the auditor may emphasize the need for users to review and understand the implications.

d) Other Disclosures: Example: “We draw attention to the disclosure in Note W, where the entity has provided additional information regarding its plans for significant investments in the coming year. This information is integral to understanding the entity’s strategic direction.”Auditors may emphasize matters that are not covered by other standard paragraphs but are deemed essential for stakeholders to grasp the context and implications.

Practical Examples

Example 1: Going Concern

Suppose a manufacturing company has experienced a significant decline in sales and incurred substantial losses during the year. The auditor might include an “Emphasis of Matter” paragraph, stating, “We draw attention to Note X, which indicates that the company’s recurring losses and net capital deficiency raise substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern.”

Example 2: Material Uncertainty

Imagine a software development company facing a significant lawsuit that could potentially result in substantial financial implications. The “Emphasis of Matter” paragraph could highlight, “We draw attention to Note Y, which discloses a material uncertainty related to the outcome of ongoing litigation. The resolution of this matter may have a significant impact on the financial statements.”

Example 3: Consistency in Application of Accounting Policies

In a scenario where a retail company decides to change its method of inventory valuation from FIFO to LIFO, the auditor might emphasize, “We draw attention to the change in accounting policy disclosed in Note Z, as it represents a departure from the entity’s previous accounting practices. The impact of this change is explained in the note.”

EOM’s Limitations and Ties to Disclosures

It’s crucial to note that the auditor’s canvas for EOM paragraphs is confined to information already disclosed in the financial statements. In the scenarios outlined by ISA 706, auditors can only redirect attention to disclosures made by the directors. If a matter required by financial reporting standards remains undisclosed, the auditor may, in turn, conclude that the financial statements are materially misstated, prompting a modification of the opinion.

In essence, the EOM paragraph acts as a navigational beacon within the sea of financial disclosures, steering users toward crucial information that demands a closer look. By understanding its purpose and the parameters defined by ISA 706, auditors can wield the EOM paragraph as a powerful tool to enhance transparency and promote a comprehensive understanding of financial statements.


In conclusion, the “Emphasis of Matter” paragraph in an audit report serves as a valuable tool for auditors to highlight specific matters that deserve the attention of financial statement users. By providing additional context and clarification, auditors contribute to a more transparent and informed understanding of the financial health and performance of the audited entity. Stakeholders can make well-informed decisions when armed with a comprehensive understanding of the emphasized matters, ensuring accountability and reliability in financial reporting.

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