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Business Advisory

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Business Consultancy
Establishing and Operating a Business in the current economic scenario requires continuous planning and implementation. This process also involves various compliances at different stages of incorporating and running the business. These are very important to be handled appropriately with proper guidance from experts so that the operations are not hurdled at any stage.

Our professional experts are well equipped with the required knowledge with respect to all the applicable compliances who can help you to comply with all the requirements efficiently on the practical front ensuring the smooth business operations. This will allow you to concentrate more efficiently on the core business functions.

Business Valuation
Business valuation is a set of procedures to determine the economic value of a company or its key assets depending on the business model. It includes a detailed analysis of receivables, bonds, loans, historical financial statements, and other debt instruments.

Many opportunities exist within a business environment but it is important as a business owner or an investor to understand the true value of any proposition.The valuation of a company is crucial for determining its net worth.

In order to value a company, there are three main approaches, depending on their appropriateness, which are as follows:

  • The Income Approach
  • The Market Approach
  • The Cost Approach

Mergers & Acquisitions

Virtual CFO Services

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