APT Global FirmsAPT Global FirmsAPT Global Firms
+971 58 570 3120 / ‎+971 58 552 1975
Dubai UAE Riyadh KSA

Audit Services in UAE

Audit services are one of the core services that every business need to track their financial transactions. More than just the records inspection and approval process, APT Global Audit and Assurance Services in UAE is focused on providing a transparent and systematic financial statement audits and other assurance services to give valuable insights into your business. 

Our professional auditors in UAE creates a precise, comprehensive, and balanced audit, ensuring compliance with the regulatory requirements. Availing proper audit services in UAE helps you ensure that your business is compliant with the UAE laws, regulations and accounting standards.

Our Audit Services in UAE:

  • Internal Audit
  • External Audit
  • SOP
  • ICoFR
  • IFRS

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    audit services

    Why Choose APT Global for Audit Services in UAE? 

    1. Comprehensive Audits: Our audits go beyond compliance checks. We focus on giving you valuable insights into your financial performance, operational efficiencies, and risk management strategies.

    2. Experienced Professionals: Our team of qualified auditors in the UAE brings deep expertise in financial auditing, ensuring that your business remains compliant with the latest regulations and standards.

    3. Regulatory Compliance: With a focus on adherence to UAE laws, regulations, and international standards such as IFRS, we ensure your business operations meet the necessary statutory requirements, avoiding potential legal and financial penalties.

    4. Business Transparency: Through detailed audits, we enhance the transparency of your financial records, building trust with stakeholders and investors. This transparency can lead to improved investor confidence and better decision-making.

    Benefits of Our Audit Services in UAE

    Regulatory Compliance: Enhanced Financial Control: Risk Mitigation: Increased Investor Confidence: Operational Efficiency:

    Ensure your business meets all legal and regulatory requirements in the UAE.

    Get a clear picture of your financial standing, identifying areas for improvement and cost-saving opportunities.

     Proactively identify and mitigate potential financial and operational risks that could impact your business.

    With transparent and accurate financial reporting, attract more investors and stakeholders to your business.

    Improve business processes and internal controls, optimizing overall performance and profitability.

    VAT consultancy in UAE

    About APT

    APT Global Firms

    APT Global is a distinguished audit, tax advisory, and business consulting firm headquartered in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. With a robust presence spanning across the globe, APT Global boasts over 21 branches strategically located in various cities worldwide.

    Established with a commitment to delivering unparalleled services, APT Global serves a diverse clientele ranging from multinational corporations to small and medium-sized enterprises across a multitude of industries.

    APT Gobal Firms

    Our Areas of Expertise

    Tax Advisory

    Corporate Tax - is a form of direct tax levied on the net income or profit of corporations.

    Transfer Pricing

    Transfer Pricing Advisory - With the introduction of Corporate Tax in UAE with effect from 1st June 2023.

    Audit & Assurance

    Internal Audit - Internal audit is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed.

    Accounting & Book-Keeping

    Accounting – Accounting is a vital element of any business as it provides the visibility.

    Business Advisory

    Business Consultancy - Establishing and Operating a Business in the current economic.

    Company Incorporation

    As a business hub for international trade, UAE has established a steady growing economy through tax-free income

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