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How to Choose Between In-House and Outsourced Bookkeeping Services?

Bookkeeping Consultancy Services in Dubai.

Accounting and bookkeeping are a significant aspect of any business, contributing a lot towards its success. The decision between choosing to do the bookkeeping yourself or outsource services is difficult. Companies often themselves are torn between the two options. While some choose to do it in-house and others opt for professional bookkeeping services.

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But what is the best bookkeeping solution for your company? In this blog, let us understand the pros of both in-house and outsourced bookkeeping services. By the end of the blog, you are sure to decide whether you should DIY your organisation’s bookkeeping or hire Bookkeeping Consultancy Services in Dubai.

In-House Bookkeeping


In-house bookkeeping refers to when businesses look after their financial needs on their own by appointing an in-house team. Accountants are hired to work within your organization to oversee tasks including accounting, bookkeeping, tax preparations and generating overall financial reports. In-house bookkeeping is also the conventional way of managing a company’s finances, where a team works internally.

Benefits of In-House Bookkeeping


  • Precise Control: With an in-house bookkeeping team, you have a more precise control over the bookkeeping processes. Some people often prefer this control when there’s a need for a hands-on approach to all aspects of your company’s operations.
  • Easier Rapport: Some businesses find it easier to build a good rapport with their in-house bookkeeping team.

Outsourced Bookkeeping Services


Outsourced bookkeeping services means you delegate your company’s bookkeeping tasks to a third party service provider. These professionals provide you with a comprehensive range of services including tax preparation and complex financial reporting. Instead of hiring an in-house bookkeeping team, you pay an external bookkeeping specialist to oversee your financial accounts.

Benefits of Outsourced Bookkeeping Services


  • Professional Service: No matter the size of your business, with outsourced bookkeeping services you gain access to professional services with highly knowledgeable, skilled and experienced professionals.
  • Time-Saving: With sourced bookkeeping services, your company can save a lot of time and actually focus on the core business operations.
  • Cost-Effective Solution: Outsourcing is cost-effective compared to in-house bookkeeping services. You pay less for more comprehensive and professional bookkeeping services.

Which Bookkeeping Services Should You Choose: Factors to Keep in Mind


If you are confused between which bookkeeping service is the best for you company, consider the following factors when choosing one –


  • Business Size: When choosing between in-house or outsourced bookkeeping services, consider looking at your business size.
  • Growth Stage: You must consider the growth state you are in with your business.Which service you choose matters a lot if your company is growing rapidly.
  • Budget: Consider how much budget you can allocate for choosing any of the options.
  • Communication: How often and frequently you would like to communicate with the bookkeeping team also influences your decision.
  • Control: The degree of control you wish to have on the bookkeeping processes is also important to consider.
  • Expertise: The level of expertise you want for your business is also important. Outsourced bookkeeping services offer more expertise and professionalism.
  • Scalability: You also need to check the scalability of each service.


Choose #1 Bookkeeping Consultancy Services in Dubai


If you’re searching for Bookkeeping Consultancy Services in Dubai, contact none other than APT Global – your one stop solutions for all your bookkeeping needs. Call us today!

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